In the year 2006, the general level of China’s E-government obtains an obvious progress. The key event is the enforcement of The General Framework of National E-government which is the first national outline for guiding the development of China E-government. The e-government’s content refers to numerous aspects. Because of the limitation of paper’s length, this report only refers to a small part of e-government―digital construction of government’s function in municipal management. The reason is it is the most basic government’s function, and it applies the most frontier information technology which changes the traditional management process essentially. Chapter 1 clarifies the difference and relationship between several concepts with regard to digital government management, following by some key technologies of digital city construction in the Chapter 2. In the main section of the report, we introduce the general and representative area’s application and development in the year 2005 and 2006 with regard to some fields in government’s social management: crisis management, social security, community and municipal management, industrial/livelihood safety management. With the progressing of e-government, the evaluation of e-government’s performance is attracting more and more attention from government, therefore in Chapter 8, we analyze some applied evaluating measure of e-government’s performance in detail. At the end, the report proposes some issues raised from the development of e-government, and forecasts the trend in 2008. The appendix is the detail including economical evaluation part of the most creative and representative case in China’s digital municipal management---- Beijing Dongcheng District New Model of Digital Municipal Management. Key Worlds: Digital City, E-government, Digital government’s management, evaluation of e-government’s performance. |